martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Teachers teach more by what they are than by what they say.

Whe you talk about how to teach it always comes to your mind the simple idea of transmiting your knowledge to others by common strategies.
But when you think about teaching in a deeper way it´s when you start to wonder about the real influences you have over those who trust you as a guide of knowledge and behavior.
Now a days it is bealieved that a teacher has a bigger influence on their students by the way they act than by the way they said it should be act.
Most of the time porffesors are in the public eye giving theirselves away everyday and everytime with their "example" of what should be done in the society.
Even parents conseidered teachers as the second parents for their kinds, beacause it is supposed that appart from teaching accademyc stuff they also have to teach values and norms to the kids in order to have well prepared people in the future.
Eventhough teachers are not suppose to teach abything else appart from knowledge, in my opinion I do believe they should pay more attetion to the other side of the wall, wich is that they are a roll model for the society or at least for thei students and taht everything they say should be reflected on what they do in order to have coherency and value in their porffesional speech.
Taking into account thta you are the "heroe" for some kids and the " parebts" for their parents shold be the inspiration to be a better teacher everyday.

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